Apollo Sugar
Dr Navin Bansal

Dr Navin Bansal

MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine)
Fellowship In Diabetes FID (RLA, UK)

Consultant Physician and Diabetologist

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Dr Navin Kumar Bansal

Dr Navin Kr Bansal has done his MBBS & MD in Internal Medicine from Gauhati Medical College and Hospital. He had a  great academic career with multiple awards and gold medals.

He has done his Fellowship in Diabetes at Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad in association with Royal Liverpool Academy, UK.
He is a member of various organizations including RSSDI (Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India), API (Association of Physicians of India) etc. He has vast knowledge and experience in the field of Medicine & Diabetes. He also gives due importance to fitness of his patients inspiring better health.

Dr. Navin Bansal specializes in adult vaccinations and is dedicated to the concept of preventive healthcare. His primary goal is to minimize the need for hospitalization and ICU admissions among his patients.

Frequently Asked Questions about General Physicians

General Physicians, also known as Family Doctors or General Practitioners, are primary care doctors who provide comprehensive healthcare to individuals of all ages. They diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions, offer preventive care, and refer patients to specialists when needed.

The frequency of check-ups can vary based on factors such as age, overall health, and medical history. However, a general guideline is to have an annual check-up for adults. Regular visits allow the physician to monitor your health, detect potential issues early, and provide guidance on preventive measures.

It's helpful to bring a list of current medications, any relevant medical records, and a detailed medical history. If you have specific symptoms or concerns, jot down notes to share with your physician. Having your insurance information and a list of questions for the doctor can also enhance the effectiveness of your visit.

If you have chronic health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or asthma, your General Physician can provide guidance on managing these conditions. They may recommend lifestyle changes, medications, or other interventions. It's essential to communicate openly about your symptoms and follow the prescribed treatment plan.

General Physicians are crucial for routine care, but there are instances when emergency care is necessary. Seek emergency medical attention if you experience severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, sudden and severe injuries, or signs of a stroke. If in doubt about the urgency of your symptoms, contact your physician or go to the nearest emergency room for immediate evaluation.

The duration of an appointment can vary, but a standard visit usually lasts around 10 to 20 minutes. If you have multiple concerns or complex health issues, you may need a longer appointment.

Yes, General Physicians can provide initial assessment and treatment for common mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. They may also refer patients to specialists if needed.

General Physicians can advise on necessary vaccinations based on your age, health status, and lifestyle. They can provide information on routine vaccinations and those required for travel.

General Physicians can offer guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including advice on diet, exercise, stress management, and preventive measures against common health issues.

General Physicians can provide information on recognizing and responding to medical emergencies. They may also advise on when to seek immediate medical attention or call emergency services.

Understanding Diabetes: Frequently Asked Questions on Types and Risks

There are three main types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the body doesn't produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body doesn't use insulin properly. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and usually resolves after childbirth.

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the body's inability to produce insulin, requiring daily insulin injections. Type 2 diabetes involves the body's resistance to insulin or inadequate insulin production. While both types affect blood sugar levels, the causes and management strategies differ.

Risk factors for Type 2 diabetes include age, family history, obesity, lack of physical activity, and certain ethnicities. Individuals with prediabetes, a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet diabetic, also have an increased risk.

Lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and weight management, can play a significant role in managing Type 2 diabetes. In some cases, these measures may be sufficient to control blood sugar levels. However, medication or insulin therapy may be necessary in certain situations.

Your Diabetes Doctor will provide specific guidelines based on your individual needs. Generally, people with diabetes are advised to check their blood sugar levels multiple times a day. Target ranges may vary, but common goals include fasting levels below 130 mg/dL and post-meal levels below 180 mg/dL.

Gestational diabetes typically resolves after childbirth. However, women who have had gestational diabetes are at an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups are important for long-term health.

The type of diabetes you have (Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes) influences the prescribed medications or insulin regimen. Your doctor will assess your individual needs, considering factors such as blood sugar levels, lifestyle, and medical history, to determine the most effective treatment plan.

Lifestyle modifications are integral to diabetes management. Your Diabetes Doctor may recommend a balanced diet, regular exercise, weight management, and stress reduction. Understanding how these factors impact your blood sugar levels is crucial for successful diabetes care.

Yes, there are other forms of diabetes, including monogenic diabetes and secondary diabetes. Monogenic diabetes is caused by a mutation in a single gene, while secondary diabetes results from another medical condition or medication. These forms are less common compared to Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Diabetes can lead to complications such as heart disease, kidney problems, and nerve damage. Your Diabetes Doctor will guide you on preventive measures, including regular screenings, medications, and lifestyle changes to minimize the risk of complications and manage existing ones.

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