What Is Gestational Diabetes?

Pregnancy and childbirth is a sweet experience. Unfortunately, it does not get sweeter with high blood sugar levels in pregnancy. It leads to gestational diabetes, and possible complications to you and your child.

First the stress of pregnancy, and then the need for extra care. Gestational Diabetes can make you nervous.You might have apprehensions on what to eat, and how to exercise. That is why you need a care that stays with you and helps you constantly.

Apollo Sugar Clinics Gestational Diabetes Program is conceived to provide care during pregnancy, and after delivery. From managing your blood sugar levels on a daily basis to providing you consultations with expert Endocrinologists, our Gestational Diabetes Program stay with you constantly.

Why Gestational Diabetes management Program?

High blood sugar levels is certainly a cause for concern in pregnancy. It can influence the health of the fetus and cause future risk of diabetes in the mother.

To ensure safe pregnancy and to avoid complications, women with gestational diabetes need constant support. They need support to balance diet to provide nutrients to the baby and keep sugar levels under control. There might also be need for medication.

Moreover, women with gestational diabetes have to measure their blood sugar levels four times a day and they have to make a note of these readings. Now, this job is done without any effort with Apollo Sugar Clinics Connected Glucometer!.

Our Gestational Diabetes program is an integrated care system that helps you deal with high blood sugar levels at the comfort of your home.

"Managing diabetes is easier than ever with our comprehensive solutions."

 Apollo Sugar Clinics, Beltola 

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